The complete practice automation technology just got a whole lot sweeter. See outstanding tasks in real-time, plus urgent and critical issues.
The practice smart tasks dashboard shows all your frequently-performed workflow elements in a single location for a remarkably convenient way to manage tasks with greater ease & speed.
An enhanced single-column schedule snapshot that gives you access to all your common tasks. You can capture charges, check patients in and out, mark a no-show and manage rooming.
Drill-down donuts are prioritized to your daily tasks. These visual, interactive graphs help you complete tasks faster with minimal clicks. They also display alerts for urgent issues – such as abnormal lab results – that can help physicians avoid critical oversights.
The majority of the screen’s real estate is devoted to helping you get tasks done quickly. As you select donuts – such as labs, refills or messages – items are prominently displayed and prioritized in a familiar “in-box” layout.